How to Check What Power Supply You Have (2022)

The power supply unit (PSU) is one of the essential components inside any PC. It mainly converts mains AC power to low-voltage DC power for the computer’s internal parts. Manual power supplies have a switch for toggling between power supplies, while automatic power supplies seamlessly adapt to the mains voltage.

How to Check What Power Supply You Have (2022)

However, most computer users ask, “What power supply do I have?” on their PC. Whether adding a new component or doing new upgrades on your computer, it’s necessary to know your power supply first. This guide will show you how to check power supply on PC and how to find out what power supply you have without opening computer.

Read this guide to learn more.


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How to Find Out What Power Supply You Have on Your Computer

To know your computer’s power supply, you’ll need to know where it’s located first. Power supplies are located on the back portion of your PC, usually at the top. For newer computers, however, it’s on the back left or back right. But, this only applies when you want to know your computer’s power supply by opening it.

Believe it or not, you can also know what power supply you have without opening your computer. Review each method below to know the most effective way to know your computer’s power supply.


Method #1: Check the Power Supply on Your Computer’s System Unit

A computer’s system unit houses most of the components of your PC, including the power supply. When you’ve assembled your PC, you’ll most likely have an idea of the specifications of your PSU. However, if you bought a ready-to-use PC, you might have trouble knowing your power supply.

To know what power supply you have by opening the computer’s system unit, follow these steps:

  1. Turn off your computer and unplug all connections, most notably its power source, into the system unit.
  2. Unscrew the side panel of the system unit and begin finding the power supply. It’s usually located at the top-back portion of your PC. However, you may also find it at the bottom right or left.
  3. Once you’ve found it, check its specifications on the label on one of its sides.


Method #2: Search For Your PC’s Specifications From the Manufacturer’s Website

If you’ve bought a prebuilt PC, you can learn about its power supply and other essential components from its manufacturer’s official site. Most modern PC manufacturers have websites where you can check their specifications by entering the PC’s model number.

To find out what your computer’s power supply is via the manufacturer’s official website, follow the steps below:

  1. Open your computer’s browser and visit the official website of your computer’s manufacturer.
  2. Search for your PC by entering its model number.
  3. Once found, you can check your PC’s power supply through its product page or a similar webpage.
  4. To know more about your computer’s power supply unit, you can search its model number and brand via Google and find its product page.


Method #3: Via the PC’s User Manual

Another way to check your PC’s power supply without opening it is through your computer’s user manual. Besides containing basic steps on using your computer and troubleshooting methods, you can also check its power supply via its specifications. If you need more information about the power supply on your computer, you can search for its brand and model number through Google.


What Can I See on the PSU’s Label?

After finding your PC’s power supply unit, you can see its label. Depending on the manufacturer, it can be placed on the sides or back. Then, you might see the following information:

  • Brand and Model Number/Product Number – Your power supply’s brand and model number—or product number—are usually the first things you can see on its label. This information is handy when you want to know more about your power supply via Google.
  • WattageWattage indicates the power supply’s ability to give power to your PC’s components. PSUs with higher wattage can supply more power to their parts.
  • Maximum Power (Max. Power) – This measurement indicates the highest power your PSU can provide in watts. Max. power is a great way to know if each of your PC’s components gets enough power. It’s computed by multiplying the unit’s voltage and current.
  • AC Input & DC Output – Also known as voltage, the AC input and DC output of your power supply is what it needs to keep itself running and, at the same time, provide enough voltage to its components. The AC input indicates the power your PSU needs from the outlet or power source. On the other hand, the DC output, or standby voltage, supplies power to your PC’s components when it’s on Standby Mode.
  • Certified Rating – PSU manufacturers get rated through their certified rating. It varies from Titanium, Platinum, Gold, Silver, and Bronze and has a numerical rating of 80 and above. High stability ratings are more stable, efficient, and can handle more components safely.

Final Thoughts

Knowing your PC’s power supply is one of the most critical things when installing a new component or upgrading a few parts for more powerful ones. However, it might be hard to know your PSU, especially when using a prebuilt PC. Hopefully, this guide helps you to check what power supply you have on your computer.