How to Clear Cache on Samsung TV. All Models (2022)

Just like other smart devices today, smart TVs collect temporary data, like the TV’s cache. It helps with opening certain apps and improves the TV’s performance. However, your Samsung TV might run out of memory when you’re not able to clear it.

How to Clear Cache on Samsung TV (2022)

This guide will show you how to free up space on your Samsung TV by deleting your TV’s cache data. So, if you’re wondering how to clear cache on Samsung TV, read this guide to know more.


Table of Contents

Common Reasons Why You Need to Clear Cache Data on Samsung TV

Although cache helps your TV’s overall performance, you’ll have to delete it when it’s old enough and once it causes issues to your Samsung TV. From freeing up internal memory to increasing speed, the following reasons can help you decide why you need to clear the cache on your Samsung TV:

  • Increased Responsiveness and Speed – Similar to phones and computers, your smart TV can underperform over time. But, you can limit this from happening if you clear up cache data from various apps on your Samsung TV.
  • Optimized Internal Memory – Each feature on your Samsung TV requires a minimum amount of free memory to work without issues. Clearing cache is one way to free up memory and optimize the internal storage of your smart TV.
  • Increased App Performance Apps on your Samsung TV are the main contributors to cache data. Although cache helps your smart TV to open each app faster, old cache data needs to be deleted before it causes problems. This also prevents app data from being corrupted due to old cache files. Clearing the cache is a recommended fix if YouTube TV is not working on a Samsung TV.


Clearing Cache On Various Samsung Smart TV Models

Clearing cache data on Samsung TVs can vary from model to model. However, we’ll get through each of the most common models of Samsung smart TVs. After finding your Samsung TV model year, make sure to follow the steps to successfully clear its cache.

Note: You’ll need to clear cache data individually for each app. So, depending on your Samsung TV’s model year, follow the same process until you’ve finished clearing the cache for all installed apps on your Samsung TV.

2020 and Above Models

  1. Turn on your Samsung TV and press the Home button on the remote.
  2. Go to Settings > Device Care and select Manage Storage.
  3. Choose the app that you’ll clear cache data with.
  4. Select View Details > Clear Cache.
  5. Once done, select Close.

2019 Samsung TV Models

  1. Press the Home button on the Samsung remote and go to Settings > Self Diagnosis.
  2. Choose TV Device Manager and select Manage Storage.
  3. Select the app that you want to clear cache data with.
  4. Choose View Details > Clear Cache.
  5. Select Close when done.

Samsung 7 Series TV

  1. Open your smart TV and press the Home button on the remote.
  2. Navigate to Settings > Support and select Self Diagnosis.
  3. Go to TV Device Manager and choose Manage Storage.
  4. Choose the app that you’ll need to clear cache data.

Samsung Q/TL/S TV Models

  1. Open your Samsung TV and press the Home button on the remote.
  2. Go to Settings > Broadcasting and select Expert Settings.
  3. Choose HbbTV Settings and select Clear Browsing Data.
  4. Also, select Yes to delete cookie data.

If you have issues clearing the cache on your Samsung TV, you can try resetting it via Settings. This will delete all data, including your downloaded apps, passwords, and media content. To reset your Samsung TV, follow these steps:

  1. Turn on your Samsung TV and press the Home button on the remote.
  2. Go to Settings > Support. Select Self Diagnosis and click on Reset.
  3. Enter your Samsung TV PIN—the default PIN for Samsung TVs is 0000.
  4. Wait for the reset to finish. All temporary data stored on your Samsung TV will now be removed.


Final Thoughts

Clearing cache data on your Samsung TV can be easily forgotten, especially when your TV is performing well and has no problems. However, it can cause issues once it accumulates over time. Hence, this guide can hopefully help you to clear the cache of installed apps on your Samsung smart TV.