How to Get Rid of Split Screen on iPad?

Split screen is a feature that allows a user to split their iPad screen into two parts and use two apps at once. The feature is highly convenient for multitasking, though it can get confusing and disorienting once you’re done using the feature. The good news is that you can remove the split screen on iPad if it becomes too much to deal with. 

How to get rid of split screen on ipad?

In this article, we will describe how to close the split screen feature on the iPad. The process is relatively simple and will get the job done in no time. Keep reading to find the solution to getting rid of a split screen on an iPad.


Table of Contents

How to Use Split Screen on An iPad?

Before diving into how you can get rid of the split screen on iPad, we’ll tell you how to use it efficiently. You should keep a few things in mind while activating the feature. First, know that the split screen feature does not work with every app. Apps like Instagram, Facebook and Google Assistant tend to crash when you put them on the split screen view. 

For an app to be seen in the split view, it must be in the Dock bar. This means that it should either be recently used or one of your favourite apps. Put it on the Dock bar and then follow the steps below.

  1. Open the first app, and then drag your finger to the bottom of the screen for the Dock bar to pop up. Do this gently, as doing it too fast would take you back to the home screen.
  2. Press and hold the icon for the second app you want to view in split mode. Drag it to either the left or right of your screen.

The two apps will now be placed side by side in a split-screen view. This feature is convenient if you wish to multitask or keep up with two apps in one frame. 


How to Get Rid of Split Screen on iPad?

Having two apps open side by side can be highly efficient, especially if you’re conducting research, working on a presentation, or writing a report since you don’t have to switch between apps all the time. However, once you’re finished with your work, it can be challenging to keep dealing with a split screen, so here’s how to get rid of it. 

  1. After deciding which two apps to close, click on the divider, which is the black line between the two apps. 
  2. Swipe the line towards left or right, depending on which app you want to close. If it’s the left app, slide the bar to the left and vice versa. 
  3. When the app disappears, remove your finger from the black divider. 

Once you remove your finger from the screen to get rid of the unwanted app, only the app which you wish to remove will remain on the screen. Ensure that you don’t slide to the edge too quickly, or else you will enable the Slide Over mode. 


How to Disable Split Screen on iPad?

We’ve already discussed how to get rid of split screens on iPad. However, if you wish not to use this feature at all, you can also disable it from the settings. 

Follow the steps below to disable split screens on iPad.

  1. Navigate to settings.
  2. Choose General.
  3. Select Home Screen and Dock.
  4. Choose multitasking and toggle the Allow Multiple Apps switch off. 

This not only disables the split screen but also turns off the slide-over feature. You may toggle it back on if you wish to re-enable the split screen view.


How to Get Rid of Split Screen in Safari on iPad?

Split screen isn’t just available for two apps but can also be enabled with two web pages on Safari. However, this feature is only available in landscape mode, so you cannot enable split screens in portrait mode. First, we’ll describe how to activate split screens and then how to close the split screens when you’re done.


How to Activate Split Screen on iPad

To utilise split screen on Safari on your iPad, follow the steps below:

  1. Orient your iPad in landscape mode. 
  2. Navigate to Safari.
  3. Open the first website that you wish to use.
  4. In a separate tab, open the second website. 
  5. Press and hold the link for the second website until the option Open in New Window appears. 
  6. Drag the window to either side of the screen.

You can enable the split screen on safari with another process as well. 

  1. Open Safari on your iPad.
  2. Go to the tab icon on the upper right side. 
  3. Press and hold the tab icon. 
  4. Tap Open in New Window.

The split screen will now show up on the screen with both web pages side by side.


How to Deactivate Split Screen on iPad

To get rid of the split screen in Safari once you’re done going through the two web pages, follow the steps below.

  1. Open the web page that you wish to remove from the split screen.
  2. Press and hold the tab icon in the upper right corner.
  3. Select Merge all Windows.

You may also choose the Close this Tab option. This releases the split screen view, and you can go back to the full page view of the web page that you wish to use. 


How to Get Rid of Slide Over on an iPad?

You may accidentally enable the slide-over mode if you’re too hasty in dragging your finger over the screen when disabling the split screen on the iPad. The slide-over mode has a smaller screen at the bottom right corner of the larger opened window. To get rid of this tiny floating window at the bottom right, perform the steps below:

  1. Tap and hold the floating screen on the bottom right corner of your iPad. 
  2. Drag it towards the bottom of the screen. 
  3. The floating screen will try to merge into a split screen. However, before it can do so, release it.
  4. Then to close the desired screen, drag the divider to either the right or the left.

The slide-over mode should be disabled if you correctly perform the abovementioned steps. 


Why You Should Remove Split Screen on iPad

While Apple upholds that using a split screen has produced better user workflows, not many people agree. Split screens are confusing for many iPad users. For instance, when you are typing a website URL in the search tab, the split screen feature automatically activates, frustrating many users.

The feature was introduced when many users expressed the desire to multitask on their iPads. Only a few users end up using it, though. Users have often reported that using a split screen for longer times makes their workflow more complex as opposed to easier. 


Which iPad Supports Split Screen?

Not all iPads support the split screen feature. If you wish to use this, make sure you purchase a 5th generation iPad, iPad Pro, iPad Mini 4, iPad Air 2, or any model that is later than the fifth generation model. In addition to this, make sure that your iPad is updated to the latest iPadOS to use this feature.



A split screen is a handy tool for multitasking, but it may only be for some using an iPad. The article describes how to get rid of the split screen if you’re done with your work or have accidentally enabled it. To get rid of it, you merely have to slide the central divider to either the left or the right side. We hope the methods above proved helpful to you in getting rid of the split screen!